After the results of the Lok Sabha elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party-led NDA government has been formed. 71 ministers of the coalition, including Narendra Modi, were sworn in as Prime Minister on Sunday.

What happened to the BJP leaders who made statements about the constitution in the election campaign?

BJP leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, raised the slogan of "400 Parno" before the elections. However, Modi failed to secure an absolute majority for the third time in a row and the Bharatiya Janata Party managed to secure 240 seats, 32 short of the majority.

The biggest blow to BJP was in states like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.

In Uttar Pradesh, BJP won only 33 out of 80 seats. The party won 71 seats in the 2014 elections and 62 seats in the 2019 elections in Uttar Pradesh. In Lok Sabha 2024 elections, the party lost 29 seats compared to 2019.

Similarly, BJP won 25 out of 25 seats in the last two Rajasthan elections. However, in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP could win only 14 out of 25 seats.

This time during the election campaign for the Lok Sabha, the ruling BJP and the opposition raised many issues, but the most discussed was the Constitution of India and reservations.

The opposition coalition India made the constitution and reservation a major issue. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Rashtriya Janata Dal leaders Lalu Prasad Yadav and Tejashwi Yadav, almost all opposition leaders including Shiv Sena's (Uddhav faction) Uddhav Thackeray started saying that if Modi becomes the Prime Minister for the third time, both the constitution and reservation will be in danger.

Before the start of polling, several BJP leaders had made some controversial statements on the constitution, which were being debated.

Lallusingh's defeat in Ayodhya is widely discussed Lallusinh, the BJP candidate from Uttar Pradesh's Faizabad (now Ayodhya), said that the government will be formed on 272 seats, but two-thirds of the seats are needed to change or revise the constitution.

However, BJP candidate Lallusinh lost the election from his seat Faizabad itself. Samajwadi Party and India Alliance candidate Awadhesh Prasad won from Faizabad with more than 54 thousand votes.

Ramdutt Tripathi, a political analyst and observer of Uttar Pradesh politics, said, “The issue of constitution and democracy was very important for Dalit, OBC and minority voters. Apart from this, Samajwadi Party gave ticket to a senior Dalit leader on Faizabad seat. The BJP lost from Faizabad with the votes of Dalit, OBC and minority communities going to the Samajwadi Party in this seat.”

Controversial statements of BJP leaders regarding the constitution, the effect of which was seen in Uttar Pradesh elections?

Answering this question, Ramdutt Tripathi said, “Mayawati's party was looking very weak in this election. Apart from this constitution and reservation was a big issue. Because of this, many Dalit voters voted for the Congress and Samajwadi Party alliance instead of the BJP.”

Out of the 17 reserved seats in Uttar Pradesh, the BJP managed to win only eight seats, while the Samajwadi Party-Congress alliance got nine seats. It may be mentioned here that BJP won 14 of the 17 reserved seats in Uttar Pradesh in the 2019 elections and all the reserved seats in the 2014 elections.

Jyoti Mirdha defeated from Nagaur seat in Rajasthan

A statement of BJP candidate Jyoti Mirdha from Nagaur seat in Rajasthan also went viral. In a video, Jyoti Mirdha is heard saying that some tough decisions need to be taken in the interest of the country. We have to make constitutional changes for this.

Like Lallusingh, Jyoti Mirdha too has been defeated from Nagaur seat. National Democratic Party leader Hanuman Beniwal won from this seat by more than 42 thousand votes.

However, the Prime Minister and senior BJP leaders made it clear during the election campaign that no changes would be made to the Constitution.

Addressing an election meeting in Rajasthan's Barmer, Modi said that even Babasaheb Ambedkar himself could not destroy the Constitution. Our constitutions are Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bible and Koran for government.

Senior journalist Tribhuvan told BBC, “As for Jyoti Mirdha, the video of Jyoti Mirdha's statement on the Constitution went viral. However, he clarified that his statement has been misinterpreted. This issue was on every seat but on Nagaur seat other issues also became heavy for Jyoti Mirdha and a strong leader like Hanuman Beniwal was contesting against her.”

A senior journalist who follows the politics of Rajasthan told Tribhuvan, “The literacy rate in Rajasthan was very low. However, the percentage of educated people in Rajasthan has improved a lot in the last 25 years. The education level of Dalit, tribal and minority youth in particular has improved, the literacy level of women has also increased to a large extent. This has created a new consciousness among the Dalits and tribals.”

He added, “These boys and girls stay away from their homes and do not watch TV. They get information through YouTube. You can set an agenda for people watching TV, but that's not possible on YouTube. On the other hand, BJP's slogan of "400 Par" made him doubt that BJP may change the reservation if it comes to the government with a huge majority. Thus, the impact of this issue was seen more or less in every meeting.”

Heavy loss to BJP on reserved seats

A study of the statistics after the results of the Lok Sabha elections shows that apart from the opposition's slogans of protecting the constitution and reservations, the India Alliance was successful in wooing the Dalit voters.

Out of the total 543 Lok Sabha seats, 131 seats are reserved for Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes, out of which 84 seats are reserved for SC candidates and 47 for ST candidates.

Of the 84 seats reserved for SCs, the BJP won 40 in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, while the Congress won seven and other parties won 37.

In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP won 46 of these 84 seats, while other parties won 32 and the Congress only six. However, BJP saw a big loss in 2024 Lok Sabha elections as compared to 2019.

In the 2024 elections, the BJP managed to win only 30 out of 80 seats, a loss of 16 seats compared to 2019. The Congress, on the other hand, won 20 seats compared to six seats in 2019, while others got 34 of the 84 reserved seats.

Talking about reserved seats for STs, BJP won 25 out of 47 seats in Lok Sabha 2024 elections. However, in 2019, BJP won 32 of these seats.

A study of the statistics after the results of the Lok Sabha elections shows that apart from the opposition's slogans of protecting the constitution and reservations, the India Alliance was successful in wooing the Dalit voters.

Out of the total 543 Lok Sabha seats, 131 seats are reserved for Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes, out of which 84 seats are reserved for SC candidates and 47 for ST candidates.

Of the 84 seats reserved for SCs, the BJP won 40 in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, while the Congress won seven and other parties won 37.

In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP won 46 of these 84 seats, while other parties won 32 and the Congress only six. However, BJP saw a big loss in 2024 Lok Sabha elections as compared to 2019.

In the 2024 elections, the BJP managed to win only 30 out of 80 seats, a loss of 16 seats compared to 2019. The Congress, on the other hand, won 20 seats compared to six seats in 2019, while others got 34 of the 84 reserved seats.

Talking about reserved seats for STs, BJP won 25 out of 47 seats in Lok Sabha 2024 elections. However, in 2019, BJP won 32 of these seats.